Soldiers were piles of rubble all over the place. The destruction caused by months of grenades and shooting was unmistakable. There were many holes in the walls and scorch marks on the rubble and debris all around the war zone -buildings were none existent. The piles of wood and rocks underfoot made it really hard for the untrained man to navigate through the terrain. Scout enemy camps made frequent trips to the area, and finding cover was a big concern for them. Without any cover, the scouting missions succeeded by killing of many soldiers. They were shot by snipers from enemy camps. Some got hit on the arm or the leg. Others were the receivers of head shots. The soldier who got that shot in the picture fell to the ground. His comrades quickly surround him, and offered their silent prayer for him. Biting back emotions, one of them sought to unbuckle the ammunition strip from their dead counterpart. The other kept a vigilant look in grief, just keeping a lookout just in case bullets were fired out again from the enemy camp. If that happened, he sacrificed his life and helped his friend. Tears were flowing down their cheeks. They had to suppress their feelings as they knew that emotions can affect one’s focus, making them more vulnerable. Fumbling while holding the ammunition strip, his comrade finally got it out. Their waste of ammunition had caused their problems. You never know when you need more of it. They could have used their bullets at the right time rather than shooting aimlessly, hoping that they would succeed when they tried. Nonetheless, the soldier laid there full of pride and awaiting death. The comrades got up and ran back for shelter. They knew that their fate would soon be the same as the soldier.


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