Big Fish

Answers for the 'Big Fish' Worksheet

1) To me, the phrase means that sometimes you need to look at the big picture of things to truly understand them. As the big fish stands out from the small pond, it is also important to take notice of the water, as without it the big fish would die.

Actual Meaning: People who are important but only within their limited circle of influence.

2) It is to show that a wedding ring is a precious thing and has the power to bring two people together. Edward Bloom used his wedding ring as a bait to catch Big Fish, and therefore assumed that it could do wonders.

3) William enjoyed the tale as a boy but when he got older, he got sick and tired of it and even said that by telling the story it embarrasses not only him but also his father.

4) Edward Bloom was successful in marriage, and thus wanted to teach other people so that they can learn from him about marriage.

5)When William was young, he had a close relationship with his father. As they grew older, their relationship strained and William did not want to talk to his father face to face for years.

6)Legends or myths. Not everything is true, so you tend to not take the stories realistically, but instead just grasp the learning points from them.

7) Yes it does. Fiction Writers have an incentive to sensationalize and perhaps exaggerate stories so that they become more interesting for readers to read. Tall tales are often less valid and might cause some confusment. Therefore it makes readers hard to believe them compared to straight reportage of facts.


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